Charismatic Renewal

Ghanaian Catholic Community Charismatic Renewal of Atlanta


Who we are

The Ghanaian Catholic Charismatic Renewal (GCCR) of Atlanta is an integral part of the Ghanaian Catholic renewal of North America.

Catholics are hungry for God, His Word and Prayer and in addition, the world needs Jesus Christ desperately. GCCR has a responsibility to respond to this urgent prophetic call by taking care of the Master’s business and praying to the Lord of the harvest to send in more laborers. (Matt. 9:38-39)


Vision/ Objectives

The vision of the Ghanaian Catholic Charismatic Renewal is to promote evangelization by strengthening and building the faith and the prayer life of the Ghanaian Catholic Community church of Atlanta as a whole. GCCR OF ATLANTA seeks unity, growth and maturity for the members by fanning into flames the Spirit of God in them. In this prayer group bounds are broken; destinies are reformed with dumbfounding testimonies.

 Also, this society seeks to grow and build its members as potent for missionary agents of God’s kingdom.


Our Activities

We meet once every month and a cross over session every year.


God Loves You!!!


"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”

- John 3:16